Department of Sufic Studies

 Idries Shah Books

100 Tales of Wisdom (Hardcover) 

100 Tales of Wisdom (Softcover) 

Afghan Caravan : A Miscellany (Paperback) 

Book of the Book (Hardcover) 

Caravan of Dreams (Paperback) 

Caravan of Dreams (Hardcover) 

The Commanding Self (Hardcover)

The Commanding Self (Softcover) 

The Dermis Probe (Paperback) 

The Exploits of the Incomparable Mulla Nasrudin/the Subtleties of the Inimitable Mulla Nasrudin/Two Volumes in One (Paperback) 

Elephant in the Dark (Hardcover) 

Kara Kush (Hardcover) 

Kara Kush : The Gold of Ahmad Shah (Paperback) 

Learning How to Learn : Psychology and Spirituality in the Sufi Way (Paperback) 

Magic Monastery (Paperback)

Magic Monastry (Hardcover) 

The Natives Are Restless (Hardcover) 

Neglected Aspects of Sufi Study (Hardcover) 

A Perfumed Scorpion (Hardcover)

The Pleasantries of the Incredible Mulla Nasrudin (Paperback)


Reflections (Hardcover)

Seeker After Truth (Hardcover)

Seeker After Truth : A Handbook of Tales and Teachings (Paperback) 

Special Illumination : The Sufi Use of Humor (Hardcover) 

Subtleties of the Inimitable Mulla Nasrudin (Hardcover)

Sufi Thought and Action : An Anthology of Important Papers (Paperback)

The Sufis (Paperback)

The Sufis (Hardcover) 

Tales of the Dervishes (Hardcover ) 

Tales of the Dervishes : Teaching-Stories of the Sufi Masters over the Past Thousand Years (Paperback) 

Thinkers of the East (Hardcover) 

A Veiled Gazelle : Seeing How to See (Hardcover) 

The Way of the Sufi; (Paperback) 

Way of the Sufi (Hardcover) 

Wisdom of the Idiots; (Paperback) 

World of the Sufi (Hardcover) 

World Tales (Paperback)